As I was searching for a topic to write about s, I came across this video about the LOC…no not the Line of Control, you’re close
! It’s the Locus of Control and I found it so apt to share as as a woman.
In this video, the speaker talks about an internal Locus of Control (LOC) and an external locus of control (LOC) and how it impacts our success or failure in the things that we do. It’s our perception of our world.
Here are a few phrases that may help you identify your LOC.
Which statements do you identify with?
a. “I worked so hard that’s why I did well”
b. “I didn’t work hard enough, that’s why I didn’t do well”
c. “I would have done better if the teacher didn’t have it out for me”
d. “I had luck on my side, that’s why I did well”
Of course, while its better to have an internal LOC, finding balance is the key. If you have too high internal LOC you will feel responsible for everything. A very strong external LOC you may blame everyone for anything happening to you.
In my years as a manager, facilitator, trainer, woman, human being one of the interesting behaviours I have witnessed, is our ability to find and assign blame whether on ourselves or others when things or don’t work out.
And 2020 brought that to the forefront. Our perceptions of ourselves and others changed overnight. I have personally experienced and seen many women friends move to a very strong internal or external LOC where we held ourselves responsible for everything or blamed the environment.
And the outcome for the both was the same- it led to high stress, poor health and more. So many of my friends complained about hair loss and weight gain and low motivation to do anything. 2021 is a year for us to change our perceptions and balance our LOC.
So as a first step – believe that you have a great deal of control over your life. Be the captain of your ship. You steer. Don’t let it steer you!
The theme for International Women’s day 2021 (#IWD2021) is #ChoosetoChallenge. In the spirit of the IWD2021 theme, I am choosing to challenge myself by changing my own perception of myself. Do share with us ONE change you have made for yourself and inspire us all with your story!