Are you making a customer or a sale?

A couple of years ago, I was looking for a baker who could make photo cakes as it was a milestone year for my husband and I wanted to do something special for his birthday.

Anyway, I posted on FB and found a few ladies who did this. I selected one lady and ordered the cake.When I opened it up the photo was crooked!! Crooked! How can she have placed the picture crooked?

It was too late to order a new one and it was not possible to rectify it.I tried to connect with her and tell her I was disappointed, she made excuses and I backed away not wanting to argue since nothing could be done.

Anyone who asked me about her stuff, well, I told them what happened.Needless to say, the next year I ordered a cake from someone else.

As a sales trainer, this is one of the major reasons, I see people fail when selling their product or service

Did you know?

  1. Word of mouth referral is the primary factor behind 20-50% of purchasing decisions?
  2. When referred by a friend, people are 4x more likely to make a purchase.
  3. Customers acquired through referrals have a 37% higher retention rate
  4. Referred customers have an 18% lower churn than customers acquired by other means.
  5. You can expect at least 16% more in profits from referred customers.

With the advent of the internet, buyers are already nearly 50-60% in their buying cycle. Which means they have done a great deal of research and decision making before buying from you.

And that’s why making a CUSTOMER and NOT a sale is so much more important today.Because your customer will be your ambassador and tell everyone (online or offline) how they feel about your product or service.

You may sell them something which is only about 250 rupees. But if they have a good experience with your service or product they will tell people they know online or offline.

And the same applies for a bad experience.

Semira Khaleeli

Training & Coaching : Executive Coaching, Communication skills, Email Etiquette, Written Business Communication, Selling skills, SPIN Selling, Consultative Selling, DISC and Selling, Selling though Storytelling, Virtual Selling Skills, , Personal Effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence, Presentation skills, International Dining Etiquette, Social and Workplace etiquette, Body Language, Personal branding, Campus to corporate, Personal Impact & Executive Presence.

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