The monkey mind

While coaching people I observed that they spent most of their time thinking about what happened or what should happen. Or what could have happened or will happen.

Professionals, housewives, small business owners all had this same issue. It’s a human response we all have.

Think of the mind like a muscle. If your exercise the muscle only then will it be strong. And like any muscle it has to be used frequently.

To improve your focus and to calm your ‘monkey’ mind there are some quick exercises you can do daily.

The main aim is for us to Be focused and present in the moment. It helps you rest your mind and gives you peace and clarity. Mindfulness helps you focus and calms the monkey mind.

Here are a few mind gym exercises

One exercise is to focus for for 5-10 minutes in anything you are doing. For example if u are eating your food, just focus on doing just that. Let all your senses engage – eyes, smell, hearing, feeling, touch.

Another exercise – Do the same thing when you are working. Put a timer on it. Start small say for 10-15 mins and focus only on doing that one task for that time.

If you feel distracted, remind yourself ‘be here now’ and your focus will come back.

And the last exercise – Meditate a few times a day for about 2-5 minutes. Listen to the sounds near you then move your focus to the sounds which are far away from you. Then bring back your focus to the sounds near you again. Observe your breath and yourself. What’s happening in your body? Observe that.

Start with 2-5 mins and then increase the time. Soon, you will be able to do this automatically and quickly without too much effort.

Of course along with your mind, you have to consider your physical well-being so eat well, physical exercises like walking yoga, gym all helps develop your mind muscles

I hope these exercises will be helpful to everyone. Let me know how it works out.

Here are some more exercises which I found useful. They are short and quick and help you build mindfulness practise into your daily life.…/21-simple…


Semira Khaleeli

Training & Coaching : Executive Coaching, Communication skills, Email Etiquette, Written Business Communication, Selling skills, SPIN Selling, Consultative Selling, DISC and Selling, Selling though Storytelling, Virtual Selling Skills, , Personal Effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence, Presentation skills, International Dining Etiquette, Social and Workplace etiquette, Body Language, Personal branding, Campus to corporate, Personal Impact & Executive Presence.

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