Principles of Persuasion


Hello hello everyone and hope you are having a lovely week.

I’ve been wondering how some people seem to have more influence than others and manage to get things done so effectively. They know how to network and bring people together, they are well-liked by most, they help when they can with a smile on their face. All of us have met or know someone like that.

So what is it that we can learn from these people? What is this magic wand they wave to just make it so effortless?

It is magic in a sense. Because they have understood the science of persuasion and influence and made it into their own unique art form.

There are 6 simple universal principles of persuasion, and, if we can understand and apply them we can also be more successful when achieving our goals whether it is resolving conflict, selling to someone, getting a contract, having a difficult conversation….

Which ones you usually practise and how you can adopt some more of them?

I’m also going to include a short video by the master of persuasion – Robert Cialdini who has done extensive research over many years on this subject.

Of course, before I begin, I must add that influence is all about intention – the intention to help or serve. The intention to collaborate and find an answer.

If your intention is only your own agenda you might be considered manipulative. So do keep that in mind when you are observing yourself and others.

Reciprocity – People like to return favours so for example the best way to network is to meet people you like, and help them out. Once you’ve helped someone, they’ll be more likely to help when you need it. Of course, the best networkers do this with no expectation of return so as not insincere.

Social Proof – People will do things they see other people doing. That’s why on Facebook, you can see which of your friends is attending an event

Authority – We are influenced by someone who has authority or is a recommended authority on a particular topic eg: your neighbor recommends a particular lady for hair styling.

Consistency and commitment – We want to be consistent with what we say so if we commit to an idea or goal ( especially in writing) we are more likely to achieve it. Think about the goal setting workshop Laja Women had earlier this year. We wrote down and committed to it.

Scarcity – for example – run a promotion for your product that is limited by a time, or the number available.

Likeability – You are more likely to buy from someone you like. So be nice in arguments (and in life, it’s short)!

So which principle are you practising and how can you adopt more to be more influential?

Watch the video to find out from Robert Cialdini master of the science of persuasion

Semira Khaleeli

Training & Coaching : Executive Coaching, Communication skills, Email Etiquette, Written Business Communication, Selling skills, SPIN Selling, Consultative Selling, DISC and Selling, Selling though Storytelling, Virtual Selling Skills, , Personal Effectiveness, Emotional Intelligence, Presentation skills, International Dining Etiquette, Social and Workplace etiquette, Body Language, Personal branding, Campus to corporate, Personal Impact & Executive Presence.

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