With the SSM team of a national consumer products company after the 3 day sales,service and marketing workshop #facilitation #sellingskills #sales #communicationskills #behaviour @mentoraindia


Continue ReadingWith the SSM team of a national consumer products company after the 3 day sales,service and marketing workshop #facilitation #sellingskills #sales #communicationskills #behaviour @mentoraindia

A very creative way of Summing up the learnings at the end of a 3 day workshop on sales, customer service and marketing for a national consumer products company. Just a few words and pictures !#facilitation #sales #sellingskills @metoraindia


Continue ReadingA very creative way of Summing up the learnings at the end of a 3 day workshop on sales, customer service and marketing for a national consumer products company. Just a few words and pictures !#facilitation #sales #sellingskills @metoraindia